Braestone Clubhouse

Braestone Clubhouse

← PROJECTS Braestone Clubhouse ORO-MEDONTE, ON Since it first opened its doors, Braestone Club has been winning the hearts of local and visiting golfers and foodies alike. The trendy, rustic-meets-modern clubhouse captures beautiful, elevated views and is the perfect...
Faris Team Real Estate Head Office

Faris Team Real Estate Head Office

← PROJECTS Faris Team Real Estate Head Office BARRIE, ON Tatham provided structural engineering services for the Faris Team’s office in Barrie. The two-storey steel-framed building is located on Bayview Drive, just across the street from the popular retail hub, Park...
Parking Garage Ramp Enclosures

Parking Garage Ramp Enclosures

← PROJECTS Parking Garage Ramp Enclosures BARRIE, ON In 2018, non-profit housing provider Barrie Housing was seeking a solution for the upkeep and maintenance of 30-year-old parking garage access ramps suffering from failing ice-melting systems. To improve pedestrian...
Summitview Parking Structure Repairs

Summitview Parking Structure Repairs

← PROJECTS Summitview Parking Structure Repairs BARRIE, ON Tatham Engineering was first retained by Barrie Housing in 2017 to complete a structural assessment of a bi-level parking structure at the Summitview apartment complex. The assessment identified concrete and...
100 Little Avenue Rebuild & Intensification

100 Little Avenue Rebuild & Intensification

← PROJECTS 100 Little Avenue Rebuild & Intensification BARRIE, ON On the night of April 23, 2018, a serious fire at 100 Little Avenue in the Barrie Housing Allanview Place complex displaced all residents of the 25-unit, three-storey building. The building suffered...