Muskoka Lakes Conservation
& Demand Management Plan


Tatham was retained by the Township of Muskoka Lakes to develop its first Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Plan in compliance with Ontario Regulation 25/23 that applies to Broader Public Sector (BPS) organizations. The plan aimed to support the Township’s efforts to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and drive sustainability across all Township operations. It involved creating a comprehensive inventory of energy use from 2019-2023, using 2018 as a baseline.

The CDM Plan outlined the Township’s energy conservation measures, including past retrofits, and set clear targets for energy reduction and GHG management over the next five years, aligning with climate change goals for the Muskoka region. The plan also emphasized local solutions that integrate with broader regional strategies, providing recommendations on energy efficiency, demand management, and water conservation.

Priority projects, estimated costs, funding opportunities, and available resources for educating staff and driving behavioural changes were identified to ensure a well-defined path toward energy efficiency, GHG emissions reduction, and regulatory requirement compliance.


Decarbonization & Net Zero


  • GHG emission inventory
  • GHG emission forecasting & analysis
  • Building energy use analysis & conservation strategy
  • Fleet energy use analysis & conservation strategy
  • Organizational & behavioural measures
  • Funding opportunity research

26 years

Forecast Data Timeframe


Municipal Buildings Analyzed