Church Street Sewage Pumping Station
Following the completion of an infiltration/inflow study in 2009 and a Schedule B Class EA study in 2012, Tatham Engineering completed the design, secured approvals and provided contract administration and inspection services for the replacement of the Church Street SPS in the Town of Huntsville. The SPS has a 50-year capacity of 63 L/s, and includes modifications to the existing wet well to accommodate 4 new submersible sewage pumps discharging to 2 separate forcemains, and a new control building housing a generator, MCC, PLC and wet well odour control equipment.
The building architecture was designed to comply with the Town’s Main Street heritage theme and includes a lower floor containing pump discharge piping and valves to avoid confined spaced entry into the wet well. The upper and lower floors are isolated from each other and each equipped with dedicated HVAC systems to comply with the hazardous classification requirements of the OESC and NFPA 820. The design included a 3-pump temporary pumping system to bypass the existing wet well during construction.
- sanitary system design
- pump station design
- construction inspection
- contract administration