Big Bay Point Road & Bayview Drive Improvements


With Big Bay Point Road and Bayview Drive identified as key transportation corridors in Barrie’s Multi-Model Active Transportation Plan, improvements to the roadway and intersection were crucial for this growing part of the city.

After completing Phase 3 & 4 of the Municipal Class EA process, Tatham was awarded the detailed design for both roadways. Working closely with the MTO and the City of Barrie, the intersection of Big Bay Point Road and Bayview Drive was completed first, in conjunction with the Harvie Road overpass across Highway 400 and Fairview Road intersection.

The Big Bay Point Road improvements included widening the road from two to five lanes and the addition of turning and bike lanes. A new watermain with connections to existing infrastructure was installed, as well as a new storm sewer with oversize pipes and orifice plates for quantity storage. Our team also upgraded pedestrian crossings to meet AODA standards and added additional temporary and permanent traffic signals. The incorporation of bioretention cells and Jellyfish filters helped achieve 80% removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS).





Water Resources


  • class environment assessment
  • detailed design
  • AODA compliance
  • construction inspection


Construction Value

1.2 km

Road Length