Blue Mountain Resort Snowmaking System Hydraulic Modeling


Blue Mountain Resort (BMR) operates a ski resort in the Town of Blue Mountains with 60 trails and 13 ski lifts on 370 acres of skiable terrain. Tatham was retained to prepare a hydraulic model of the high-pressure water supply for a snowmaking system which includes 13 pumps capable of supplying more than 18,000 gpm to 300 hydrant guns through 36 km of steel pipe.

Utilizing the WaterCAD program and inputting the pipe sizes, hydrant locations, elevations, demands and pump characteristics, Tatham created a 3D model to analyze the system performance during a variety of operational modes. The model is used on an annual basis to assist BMR with planning further expansions, to prepare a maintenance program for upgrading the existing network, troubleshoot operational constraints, and improve the overall efficiency of the snowmaking system.



Water Resources


  • hydrant modeling
  • flow monitoring & calibration

4,100 kPa

Pressure Capacity

36 km

Snowmaking Pipe Length