Collingwood B13 Bridge Rehabilitation


Tatham was retained by the Town of Collingwood to complete the rehabilitation design and provide construction support services for a bridge situated in an urban environment with frequent traffic.

During the initial assessment, site visit, and survey, our Bridges team noticed two deck drains that were causing the concrete soffit to deteriorate. We proposed the removal of the problematic drains and the installation of new ones a little further away. This relatively simple change would greatly improve the service life of the bridge by directing drainage including salt-laden water off the structure.

In addition to this, we implemented other cost-effective measures to improve the bridge’s longevity and reduce long-term maintenance costs. By working closely in collaboration with the Town, our team was able to understand their needs and identify the most effective solutions that would deliver the best results.




  • detailed design
  • site investigation
  • topographic survey
  • as-built drawings
  • construction inspection
  • site review

12 week

Construction Period


Era Bridge