Meneset on the Lake Sewage System


Following a detailed assessment of the existing communal septic systems that serve the 262 home community in Goderich, Tatham Engineering designed, obtained an Environmental Compliance Approval and provided contract administration and inspection services for upgrades to the sewage collection system and for replacement of 3 aging communal septic systems with a new sewage treatment plant and effluent dispersal bed.

The project included over 1,000 metres of forcemains to connect the sewage collection system to the new sewage treatment plant, a 228 m3 flow balancing facility, a package secondary sewage treatment plant with fixed film bioreactors rated at 112 m3/day, a Type A dispersal bed with low pressure effluent distribution system and a 45 kW natural gas fired generator.



Water & Wastewater


Land Development


  • sanitary system design
  • construction inspection
  • contract administration

1000 m

Forcemain Length


Construction Value