Shanty Bay Park LID Pilot Project


Subsequent to the completion of the Township of Oro-Medonte’s Comprehensive Stormwater Management (SWM) Master Plan in 2015, Tatham Engineering was retained to advance a number of the preferred alternatives. This included the detailed evaluation of the function of several SWM facilities and implementing retrofit designs including Low Impact Development (LID) solutions.

The Shanty Bay Park LID project was selected for funding by Environmental Canada through the Lake Simcoe Clean-up Fund program and was designed as a pilot study to determine the effectiveness of the LID facilities to aid in the evaluation and implementation of future applications. The purpose of the proposed LID facilities was to reduce phosphorous loading to Lake Simcoe. The final design incorporated combined infiltration and bioretention facilities and has since been constructed.



Water Resources


  • stormwater management
  • water quality & quantity control
  • LID design & evaluation
  • construction inspection
  • monitoring & performance evaluation