Grab your bikes and let’s ride! On June 4th, six members of Team Tatham participated in the Soldiers’ Ride in support of the Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.

150 riders started at Quayle’s Brewery and made their way through the backroads to Coldwater before going up to Severn Falls, then to Honey Harbour, and finally made their way back down south through the back country, finishing back at Quayle’s Brewery.

The riders had two options when it came to what route they wanted to take. They could either do the 50 km route or the 100 km route and they would meet back on the same route for the last 20 km.

From Tatham, John and Andrew took on the 100 km course, while Eric, Jesse, Lauren, and Beth rode the 50 km. All of our riders had a great time, enjoying the sun and beautiful weather.



In addition to having a group of cyclists at this event, Tatham was also a kilometer marker sponsor. With many passionate cyclists at Tatham, we’re proud to have supported the event and all the amazing work done by the team at Soldier Memorial Hospital.

Go Team Tatham!