Shanty Bay Park LID Pilot Project

Shanty Bay Park LID Pilot Project

← PROJECTS Shanty Bay Park LID Pilot Project ORO-MEDONTE, ON Subsequent to the completion of the Township of Oro-Medonte’s Comprehensive Stormwater Management (SWM) Master Plan in 2015, Tatham Engineering was retained to advance a number of the preferred alternatives....
Taylor’s Creek Realignment

Taylor’s Creek Realignment

← PROJECTS Taylor’s Creek Realignment COLLINGWOOD, ON The realignment and reconstruction of 600 metres of Taylor’s Creek and the construction of 2 culvert crossings, was completed for flood management associated with abutting residential developments. The work...
Church Street Sewage Pumping Station

Church Street Sewage Pumping Station

← PROJECTS Church Street Sewage Pumping Station HUNTSVILLE, ON Following the completion of an infiltration/inflow study in 2009 and a Schedule B Class EA study in 2012, Tatham Engineering completed the design, secured approvals and provided contract administration and...